Your Lifestyle Center
Your Lifestyle Center


Nutrition and Healing:

"Thank you for your wonderful introduction to yoga. It has been a true pleasure for me. I have learned to focus my breathing, improve my relaxation techniques, and, to my surprise, I have improved my flexibility tremendously."

Etienne, Ottawa



"After having participated in two of your courses, I feel I have taken a very positive turn on my journey to spiritual wellbeing. Not only are you an inspiring and knowledgeable instructor in the techniques of yoga meditation, you offer your students aids and resources to help them with their personal practice at home."
Joy, Wakefield, QC


Somayog Teacher Training:

"I taught Somayog one day to my senior yoga class, and they left muttering it was too easy. The next week they came back raving about it—how it really loosened things up, and how much energy they had the next day."

Yoga teacher Amanda, Ontario    










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